

這首歌是Maria Taylor的Smile And Wave
收錄在Lynn Teeter Flower這張專輯裡面
這張都滿好聽的另一首Lost Time也是好聽極了喔~
總之香蕉姊姊金勾追很適合這首Smile And Wave

She's got a rich sense of style,
A believable smile
I don't
She paints colors on her eyes,
That cast a shadow of surprise
I don't

She doesn't know i know about it
I just smile back when she waves
(I could never do the same)
(I could never do the same)

She keeps a spotless place
She has selective taste
I don't
She'll find out where you are
She'll send you birthday cards
I won't

She doesn't know i know about it
I'll just smile back when she waves
(I could never do the same)
(I could never do the same)

She doesn't know i know about it
I just smile back when she waves
(I could never do the same)
(I could never do the same)
(I could never do the same)

推到 Plurk!

2 意見:

Unknown 提到...

Wooooo ~~ 現在開始強迫影音編輯了逆 .. XD 歌曲同步 美邁呢..
