顯示具有 My bloody valentine 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 My bloody valentine 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


Lost in translation and Her

Close my eyes,feel me now
I don't know, maybe you could not hurt me now
Here alone, when I feel down too
Over there, when I await true love for you
You can hide, oh now, the way I do
You can see, oh now, oh the way I do

We’re lying on the moon
It’s a perfect afternoon
Your shadow follows me all day
Making sure that I'm Okay
and we’re a million miles away

後坐力很強的二部片,很多片段都會一直回想,這不過是把現實放大再放大,有時候沒有太多對話反而才能聽見彼此,愛情的開始總是希望對方成為你希望的人,希望對方說你想聽的話,然後總會在一個忽然之間變得無話可說,勉強開口的都是不自在的問候,已經到不了心裡,應該是彼此感受不到對方了,然後會覺得孤獨在愛情裡感到寂寞,換了一個對象到頭來還是徒勞無功,每一次的崩壞都是加倍再加倍的席捲而來,像Her片中說的It's a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.你知道卻仍然為之,但我卻不敢再輕易嘗試了。

Dear Catherine,

  I’m sitting here thinking about all the things I’d want to apologize for, all the pain we caused each other, everything I put on you, whatever thing I needed you to be, needed you to say, I’m sorry for that. I’ve always loved you cuz we grew up together, and you made me who I am. I just wanted you to know, there will be a piece of you in me always, and I’m grateful for that. Whatever someone you’ve become, wherever you are in the world, I’m sending you love, you are my friend in the end.



如果這是Her導演Spike Jonze十年後對Lost in translation的導演Sofia Coppola也是他的前妻的回應,短短的內容道盡了十年來的千言萬語,我想我看到的只是二部同樣講著迷失,關於人生關於愛情還有孤獨的故事,也許我將自己的感受投射在情節裡面,但我理解的終究還是屬於我自己的,而他們講的卻是他們的人生,誰都不知道,就連Karen O在寫The Moon Song這首歌的時候想的是什麼也許只有曾經在一起過的Spike Jonze才明白,那又是另一個故事了。
