這幾天都在Pandora radio上聽著Mazzy Star的歌,有時候Mazzy Star station也會播放其他同類型的歌曲,像剛剛是很喜歡的The Cranberries - Zombie,以前卻從沒把她們聯想在一起過,不過現在播放Pink Floyd - Wish You Were here就有點煽情,然後接著Cat Power...總之最近滿喜歡用Pandora聽音樂,第一天我就加了100個站台它有限制只能加100個,才發現隨便聽都有100個團,不過還是刪掉了一些,加入一些像是2000s indie,2000s POP,90s,80s,70s...之類的,結果我還是只想聽老音樂老團,新東西的接受度反而沒那麼大,有些時候不想太專心去聽新的東西,可能是習慣性會去仔細地聽各種樂器的感覺再去喜歡它,但如果是在放空的時候這些背景音樂還是熟悉一點的好。
I wanna hold the hand inside you
I wanna take the breath that's true
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
You live your life, you go in shadow
You'll come upon and you'll go black
Some kind of night into your darkness
Close your eyes with what's not there
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew
The strange light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart is out of home
You put your hands into your head
And your smiles cover your heart
Fade Into You
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